Lower level of Augustine Hall (side nearest library)
Telephone: (925) 631-4254
If you receive our voicemail, please leave us a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.
Fax: (925) 376-2238
Email: healthcenter@mldad.com
Medical Services
The following are some of the most common urgent care situations we encounter at the Student Health Center:
- Respiratory conditions (bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, etc.)
- Ear, throat or eye infections
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Urinary tract infections
- Dermatologic issues
- GYN issues and Men’s health issues
- Anxiety/Depression
- Musculoskeletal injuries
- Sleep problems
- Allergies
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Eating disorders and body image concerns
- Wound care
- Flu shots
The Student Health Center is able to perform many on-site/same-day lab tests (strep throat, influenza, mono, Covid-19, pregnancy tests, etc.), but is also able to send labs to external laboratory companies (Quest, LabCorp) if necessary. We are able to perform blood draws on site.
Our clinic does not have access to on-site imaging, but our clinicians can order imaging (x-rays, ultrasounds, etc.), if required, from local imaging centers.
Please call us if you have questions about our services: (925) 631-4254 or email healthcenter@mldad.com
Appointments can be made by calling our office at (925) 631-4254 (if you receive our voicemail, please leave us a message and we will return your call as soon as possible), scheduling online, or stopping by during business hours (lower level of Augustine Hall).
If a student is under 18, they may require parental/guardian consent to obtain certain services at the Student Health Center. The consent form can be found here